Dr. Woofenstein

Wake up, this is not a dream...

Mr. President wake up, this is not a dream...

Mr. President wake up...

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window

Hatching shadowy schemes, overthrowing us beings, as he can do

Down in his hole he waits

and plans with patience

nobody knows what he sees

or devises in silence

it's not a ploy he enjoys

to retreat to the shadows

his satellites have gone blind

but his demons breathe

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window

Hatching shadowy schemes, overthrowing us beings, as he can do

His promises are empty

but full is his mind

and as the end burneth nigh

back home he made plenty

warmed by the fires of his hate

and the ice in his veins

and when the earth stops to breathe

will he rest in peace?

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window

Hatching shadowy schemes, overthrowing us beings, as he can do

And will nobody take him for real?

pull the curtains away to reveal?

La, la, la...

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window

Hatching shadowy schemes, overthrowing us beings, as he can do

Hatching shadowy schemes, overthrowing us beings, as he can do

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window

Dr. Woofenstein dreams of incredible things in the window