Lyrics The Dubliners

The Dubliners


When I was eighteen years of age

Into the army I did engage

I left my home with a good intent

For to join the forty-second regiment

While I was posted on guard one day

Some soldiers' children came out to play

From the officers' quarters my captain came

And he ordered me for to take their names

I took one name instead of three

On neglect of duty they then charged me

I was confined to barracks with loss of pay

For doing my duty the opposite way

A loaded rifle I did prepare

For to shoot my captain in the barracks square

It was my captain I meant to kill

But I shot my colonel against my will

At Liverpool Assizes my trial I stood

And I held my courage as best I could

Then the old judge said, Now, McCafferty

Go prepare your soul for eternity

I had no father to take my part

No loving mother to break her heart

I had one friend and a girl was she

Who'd lay down her life for McCafferty

So come all you officers take advice from me

And go treat your men with some decency

For it's only lies and a tyranny

That have made a murderer of McCafferty