Lyrics The Handsome Family

The Handsome Family

The Sea Rose

Wrapped in the weeds of the shallows.

In the moon's drifting light.

Calling from the cold, wet rocks,

the sea rose of the low tides.

A passing ship along the coast

heard her sadly calling

and turned its sails to the sound,

the rose, the sea rose calling.

In the waves, the waves she's calling.

Lonely, lonely, my heart is dark

the rocks lie cold beneath me.

Come closer, closer darling one.

We'll marry in the sea weed.

On the passing ship, a sailor boy,

he heard the sea rose calling

and from the bow he dove on down

to the waves, the waves, falling.

The waves, the waves were falling.

Come, come darling boy

into my arms awaiting.

Down, down in the cold,

dark sea I'm waiting here to love you.

To her arms, her lovely arms,

the currents pulled him splashing,

but her body was only foaming waves

and her voice just water rushing.

In the waves the sea rose falling.

In the waves, the waves, my darling.

The waves, the sea rose calling.