Lyrics The Lawrence Arms

The Lawrence Arms


I listened to the megaphone man

He said we were facing the end

That's so much different than my mom and dad

Who said this is just the beginning

Cause they're in love with their shiny new world

They're in love with their airplanes and cars and hotels

It gets invented and produced en mass the very next day

It seems that they've tried everything but nothing has failed

No need to wait for tomorrow

Cause everything is blowing up today

The grass beneath the feet's

A synthesized version of the work of a dying perfectionist

Animals and open spaces, trees, plants, and sunny days

Are all in line to be replaced with

Smokestacks, concrete, and power plants

With therapy, cosmetic surgery and waist reduction plans

No compassion from the sky, smeared with billboards and dirt

It seems that they've tried everything but nothing has worked

No need to worry about tomorrow

Cause everything is blowing up today

I'm in and out of clubs and stores, and restaurants and bars

Dodging people and buildings, advertising, eye contact and cars

Another day unfolds and the structures all get old

Another day unfolds and the structures all get old

Do you think that maybe you could save me?

Cause it's coming and I don't want to be on board

Miles from solitude, incredibly alone

Miles from solitude, incredibly alone