Lyrics The Lawrence Arms

The Lawrence Arms

Them Angels Been Talkin'

What’s that sound?

In the parking lot someone’s getting sick

But the beards just gather ‘round to get another picture of his dick

Around the corner there’s a party with a million pretty girls

Black and blue, tattooed and bruised, weary with the world

This high life is running at full steam

Come on everyone and live this high life with me

I’m not gonna stop until the devil falls asleep

Tonight is the march of the meek

I feel the Sparks on my teeth and in my veins

Summers spent in basements, smoking in the rain

Number fifteen and Anthony, when will I see you again?

When is the next time we can raise our voices with our friends

If I promise just to love you, promise me you’ll always change

It’s more than a blackout, or remembering names

The ships and parades fade into dull greys

and everything ends way too soon

And up there the angels have been talking

and you’d best believe what you always knew

Cuz their words are all true

And no one is waiting for you.

This high life is running at full steam

Come on everyone and live this high life with me

I’m not gonna stop until the devil falls asleep

Or Jesus gives me back my keys

Tonight is the march of the meek

Stand up and be counted if you can’t live without it