Lyrics The Magnetic Fields

The Magnetic Fields

Two Characters in Search of a Country Song

You were just like me

You were one big bruise

In the game of life we were playing too lose

You were Jesse James

I was William Tell

You were Daniel Webster

I was the devil himself

Two characters in search of a country song

Just make believe, but so in love

Two characters been listenin' all night long

For voices from Nashville above

Hell on eighteen wheels

At a hundred per

We went crashing through the Jersey barrier

But the road went on

Over dale and hill

You were Calamity Jane

And I was Wild Bill

Two characters in search of a country song

Just make believe, but so in love

Two characters been listenin' all night long

for voices from Nashville above

Two characters in search of a country song

Just make believe, but so in love

Two characters been listenin' all night long

For voices from Nashville above