Lyrics The Menzingers

The Menzingers


I feel my teeth turning black

I feel my hands too cold to grasp this neck

My instrument at last

I'll strangle it to death

I hear the laughs outside the speaker at my attempts at serious

Won't hold a candle to the rest won't hold a candle to the best

More like a key chain flashlight busted I'm adolescent novelty

With awkward wording I'm generic generica

I feel my lungs turning black

I feel the smokestacks closing in

Dirty fingers prewritten dreams

Selling life as a machine

I feel my aching bones inside me

Shrivel away like artifacts

With an ensignia on the back

Lettered and taped in body bags

It's cutting off my circulation, they've won, I'm breaking up on the outside

I crumble like dust and am carried away.

Lets place our bets on all of our friends

See in the end which were despensable anyway

Expand the margins of these papers

Writing words I never meant to say

And I'll let go this photograph says so

I'll let go I swear to God of everything you told me so

Webster's would be pissed at my disrespect for protocol

Britannica's a liar the world can't be this small

Hands in the sack, attacked, never going back

To those who are taking role

Their potentials offer me nothing at all