Nice Things
western wall's a jumbo screen
at the gate, there's an automated teller machine
sir, empty your pockets, please
before you file through
the king and queen foreclosed on their crowns
the joker laughed and made his rounds
he was drunk, carrying on, self-satisfied
western walls are closing in
are you happy? he said
are you rich or are you dead?
dreaming the dream
singing songs of another time
is your gold so strangely acquired?
has your name become known and desired?
have you degenerated?
are you running out of time?
do you want nice things?
sure, you do
do you call nice things your own?
do you want nice things?
sure, you do
do you call nice things your own?
do you wanna
do you wanna feel safe?
wanna feel safe
climb the wall before the fall