Lyrics The Monkees

The Monkees

Goin' Down

Sock it to me

Floatin' down the river

With a saturated liver

And I wish I could forgive her

But I do believe she meant it

When she told me to forget it

And I bet she will regret it

When they find me in the morning wet and drowned

And the word gets 'round.

Goin' down. Goin' down.

Comin' up for air

It's pretty stuffy under there

I'd like to say I didn't care

But I forgot to leave a note

And it's so hard to stay afloat

I'm soakin' wet without a boat

And I knew I should have taken off my shoes

It's front page news.

Goin' down. Goin' down.

I wish I had another drink

It wouldn't be so hard to sink

I should have taken time to think

Besides I got the picture straight

She must have had another date

I didn't need this extra weight

I wish that I could see the way to shore

I don't want no more.

Goin' down, I'm goin' down.

And now I see the life I led

I slept it all away in bed

I should have learned how to swim instead

And now it's really got me stumped

I can't believe I really jumped

I'd like to get my tummy pumped

I can't believe they drink this stuff in town

This dirty brown.

Goin' down. Goin' down.

I wished I'd looked before I leaped

I didn't know it was so deep

Been down so far I don't get wet

Haven't touched the bottom yet

This river scene is gettin' old

I'm hungry, sleepy, wet and cold

She told me to forget it nice

I should have taken her advice

I only want to go on home

I'd gladly leave that girl alone

What a way to spend the night

If I don't drown, I'll die of fright

My pappy taught me how to float

But I can't swim a single note

He threw me in to teach me how

I stayed there floatin' like a mama cow

And now I've floated way downstream

I know this has to be a dream

If I could find my way to shore

I'd never, never do this anymore

I'll give you three, I've been down nine

I'm goin' down just one more time.

Goin' down. Goin' down.

Now the sky is gettin' light

An everything will be all right

Think I finally got the knack

Just floatin' here lazy on my back

I never really liked that town

I think I'll ride the river down

Just movin' slow and floatin' free

There's a river swinging under me.

Waving back to the folks on shore

I should have thought of this before

I'm floatin' down to New Orleans

Goin' to pick up on some swingin' scenes

I know I'll know a better day

I'll go down groovin' all the way.

Goin' down. Goin' down.