Tragic Surf

I'd never seen such a night

The air was still

The moon was bright

The shore glistened

As Johnny and I listened

To the waves as they crashed on the rocks

Who would have thought

Who would have known

That night I'd leave

The beach alone

He talked of that wave

As though it were alive

It was him against it

Only one would survive

I sat on the shore

Johnny grabbed his board

My senses were numbed

By the ocean's deadly roar

I held my breath

As she started too swell

That demon wave

Straight from hell

Oh what a sight

What a sweet ride that night

As he sailed across her crest

Silhouette in the moonlight

He stood strong and tall

For a second forever

He had it all

Then she crashed down

I saw his board split in half

Johnny disappeared from sight

But I can still hear his laugh

Ah ha ha ha...