Lyrics The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats

Amy AKA Spent Gladiator 1

Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive

Do every stupid thing to try to drive the dark away

Let people call you crazy for the choices that you make

Climb limits past the limits

Jump in front of trains all day

And stay alive

Just stay alive

Play with matches if you think you need to play with matches

Seek out the hidden places where the fire burns hot and bright

Find where the heat's unbearable and stay there if you have to

Don't hurt anybody on your way up to the light

And stay alive

Just stay alive

People might laugh at your tattoos

When they do get new ones in completely garish hues

I hide down in my corner because I like my corner

I am happy where the vermin play

Make up magic spells

We wear them like protective shells

Land-mines on the battlefield

Find the one safe way

And stay alive

Just stay alive