Lyrics The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats


I'm gonna drink more whiskey than Brendan Behan

I'm gonna send my belongings all to Tripoli

and I'm gonna ride home to California

With a banjo on my knee

I'm never gonna turn off the television

I'm just gonna let it run all night

I'm gonna plant root vegetables out in the backyard

And come summer I am going to treat you right

So put on your Chairman Mao coat

And let me clear my throat

Let's turn this whole town upside-down

Shake it 'til the coins come falling out of its pockets

Yeah put on your Che Guevara pin

Call the troops on in

We're gonna sail through the night sky like a pair of

bottle rockets

I got a great big secret written down somewhere

I got a rosary to protect us both from harm

I got a storage locker full of cow figurines

And a laundry list of grievances longer than my arm

And I am never going back to Cincinatti

All those bridges have burned down to the ground

I got that jet pack strapped to my back

And I'm waiting for you to come around

Yeah, put on your Chairman Mao coat

And let me clear my throat

Let's turn this whole place upside-down

And shake it 'til the coins come dropping out of its


Yeah put on your Che Guevara pin

Call the troops on in

We're gonna sail through the night sky like a pair of

bottle rockets