Lyrics The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats

Werewolf Gimmick

I was not there for rehearsal, I don’t need it any more

When I show up just in time to pop you can clear the goddamn floor

Empty out the locker room, let me find my space

Let him who thinks he knows no fear look well upon my face

Nameless bodies in unremembered rooms

Know how a man becomes a beast when the wolfbane blooms

Sail past all the grasping hands, floodlights white and hot

Bring my vision into focus, find out what I’ve got

Some sniveling local babyface with an angle he can’t sell

Full werewolf off the buckle like an angel straight from hell

Nameless bodies in unremembered rooms

Run howling through the carnage when the wolfbane blooms

Half the city sound asleep and safe inside their beds

Get lost inside my thoughts and nearly tear his face to shreds

Blood pooling on the canvas as the atmosphere gets hushed

Bring your heroes to the wolf’s den, watch them all get crushed

Get told to maybe dial it back backstage later on

Everyone still in this building right now: dead before the dawn

Nameless bodies in unremembered rooms

The pure at heart go putrid when the wolfbane blooms