Lyrics The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats

Wild Palm City (aka Within You, Without You)

I see five fingers on each hand

I see only as far as my arms can stretch

After that it all gets kinda blurry

I see the air compressor vent where it rises

Up from the hot ground, but i'm not afraid

I see what's going through

It's you, only it's bigger and better and brighter

I got the sofa set up right here

I got a room, a room full of sand

Open up your mouth, and buddy, you'll wish that you hadn't

I feel the new day coming on strong

I see cindy and she's talking up a storm

I remember her, and i see who she's bringing

It's you, only it's bigger and thinner and wider

I touch the leaves of the plant next to me

They're thicker than they were the last time i touched them

And it curls quickly around my hand

There are stars up there even when you can't see them

I'll tell you something that really bothers me

How are we supposed to get anything done

With those stars casting shadows that look just like spiders?

Yeah, it's you, but this time you're coiled up much tighter