Lyrics The Mr. T Experience

The Mr. T Experience


I know you can't Make Up your mind I can't make up my mind either though

We know we haven't got time we still keep on digging deeper and I want to

Say there's no use in pretending but I could pretend forever cause the more we

Pretend the more we get into though we know we know better. You make up

Your watery eyes and I'll make up more excuses on beyond believable lies you

Really don't think I'd do it but we're only a step away from disaster everyday

Brings us closer and the closer we get the more we go after pushing each other

Over. And I don't want to see us run over by a truck that would be so pointless

So I'm looking both ways but I don't know why I try so hard to avoid it. Can't

Make up my mind I'll make up my mind when you make up your mind.