Lyrics The Rocket Summer

The Rocket Summer

Same Air

I got nowhere to be

Talking about time isn't gonna stop me

I got nothing to say

just taking it easy, taking it easy

I feel calm in this state

Been working on kicking my freaking addiction

flowing through my veins

the anger like a drug it bites me like a rattle

Everyone and everything

Every soul, every being

The same air we all are breathing

One shared pulse collectively beating

So go on, go-getters, go

Keep aiming for the circus, dancing in the freak show

Walk along the trail of bitter words from my tongue

I hate that I can hate so well

Now I'm in a bout of seeing through the dark clouds… glory

Well now. I'm in a bout of seeing through the darkest clouds…


Everyone and everything

Every soul, every being

The same air we all are breathing

One shared pulse collectively beating

I believe the sweetest tragedy is when the old you dies.