Lyrics The Statler Brothers

The Statler Brothers

There's A Man In Here

What is a miracle? A miracle is an extraordinary event

Showing evidence of a supernatural work of God

While He was on Earth, He performed a lot of miracles

And He performs a lot of miracles today

There's a man in here who turns water to wine

And He walks on the water and gives sight to the blind

And He gives back life to the one's that's dead

And He fed four thousand with seven loaves of bread

There's a man in here who makes demons flee

Who makes cripples walk and He's chosen even me

For He lives in my heart and I have no fear

I'm a better man, 'cause there's a man in here

"There's a man in here that I'm lookin' for"

Cries a man who could find no room at the door

So they lowered him down on a stretcher bed

And Jesus looked at him and said

"All your sins are all now gone this day

Take up your bed and go your way"

And as he walked through the crowd they heard him declare

I can tell you all there's a man in there

"There's a man in here" the disciples cried

When the ship was tossed from side to side

So they woke Him up as the waves blew high

And said, “Don't You care that we're about to die"

And He said, "Peace be still" and when the wind had laid

He said, "Where's your faith, why were you so afraid?"

And when they saw that the sea was smooth and clear

They said, "Thank you God that the man's in here"

There's a man in here who turns water to wine

And He walks on the water and gives sight to the blind

And He gives back life to the one's that's dead

And He fed four thousand with seven loaves of bread

There's a man in here who makes demons flee

Who makes cripples walk and has chosen even me

For He lives in my heart and I have no fear

I'm a better man, 'cause there's a man in here

I'm a better man, 'cause there's a man in here