Meat Mincing Machine

You have big muscles, a long black hair

Play guitar in the cellars, you want out at any cost

This manager here will make you a star

She´ll create an image for you, one of those spitting ones...

Kill - while others play, you kill

Praise - praise yourself, the king of heavy metal

That piece of advice got you into the charts

You think your fans fear and respect you now

"But I want them to fear me more"

I think you are ridiculous and silly

Is this all because of the size of your willie

You play macho man to a 13-year old chick

You´d love to explore her porcelain with your prick

You dress like if you lived in the iron age

Your intelligence quotient is pretty much the same

Head full of LSD, acting gorilla on stage

Or are you acting at all?

You´re a meat mincing machine "It´s so fucking fun!"

You wanna be as sharp and lethal as an X-ray gun

And be as famous as ex-president Reagan

Well done!

The wide wall between your role and true yourself

Is fading away, so you have to choose which way to go

Fear me more!

You gotta go further and further

Fear me more!

Or wake up from this bad dream

Wake me up!

Please, Mr. Nice manager

Wake me up!