Lyrics The Style Council

The Style Council

Ghosts Of Dachau

I close my eyes

I reach out my hand

And there you are

Beautiful in scabs

Caressing my scalp

Under the mounts of the gun towers

I shout your name

I kick out in dreams

And here we are

The searchlight beams

The siren squeals

And hopeless shuffle to certainty

The crab lice bite

The typhoid smells

And I'm still here

Handsome in rags

A trouserless man

Waiting helpless for dignity

Come to me angel

Don't go to the showers

Beg, steal or borrow

Now there's nothing left to take

Except eternity

And who will come

To flower our graves?

With us still here

Covered with dust

Remembered by few

But forgotten by the majority

Stay with me angel

Don't get lost in history

Don't let all we suffered

Lose it's meaning in the dark

That we call memory