Lyrics The Style Council

The Style Council


If you believe you have an equal share

In the whole wide world and all it bears

An' that your share is no less or more than

Your fellow sisters and brother man

Then take this knowledge and with it insist

Declare yourself, an internationalist

If you lay no blame at the feet of next door

An' realize this struggle is also yours

An' that without the strength of us altogether

The world as it stands will remain forever

Then take this challenge and make it exist

Rise up as an internationalist

If your eyes see deeper than the color of skin

Then you must also see we are the same within

An' the rights you expect are the rights of all

Now it's up to you to lead the call

That liberty must come at the top of the list

Stand proud as an internationalist

If you see the mistake in having bosses at all

You will also see how they all must fall

For under this system there is no such thing

As the democracy our leaders would have us sing

No time for lies now as only truth must persist

Rise up now and declare yourself, an internationalist