Lyrics The Suicide Machines

The Suicide Machines


I don't have a lot to say because I lose my mind each day

So lock me in a padded room, straight up, straight out

Straight jacket doom

Goin' nuts, insane you see this padded room so leave me be

This padded room here all the time. cause you see

I lost my mind

I bust a nut an lost a bolt, now you know my life's on hold

Cause all these doctors think I'm crazy, but all this shit it doesn't please me

Oh yeah , I'm gonna lose it now, can't stop me no way , no how

There's a word, I think it's zonkers, all these people think I'm bonkers

Society is smothering me, this place is where people fuck quietly

And they have bland orgasms, suburbia is so beautiful

Expansive green lawns for expensive white people

And that mailman he smiles and says hello

(I just want to roll his ass)

You want to know why?

Cause now are the days you've got to be crazed

You've gotta live your life your own way

I'd really like to run away, go out and have some fun and play

But I'm still locked in this padded room

With this world's fucked up, shitty gloom

Competition sucks, you see this padded room is killing me

This padded room, I'm here to die. just tripped out

No reason why

I pound a spike and lose a screw

My brains scrambled

Nothing you can do

Be great to play while someone pays me, not called bonkers its called lazy

I'll stand up and take a bow what do you think of me now?

There's a word I think its zonkers,

All these clones they say I'm
