Lyrics The Swan Bride

The Swan Bride

Moon Chase Polka

Driving in your car I wonder what's this all about

chasing after moon across a quiet sleepy town, let's

pull it down! Let's pull it down!

Let's pull it down to our cold and frozen ground

let's cut the rope that keeps it tied to the earth,

let's fly awayand escape from the truth

oh what a night! Oh what a night! Sometimes you needa

proof that you are still alive

I've been to all parties, but wasn't too impressed, I

was reading poetry and listenning to jazz

sometimes having sex, I know it's not allowed

but my heart just don't beat right when you're not


lying with you on the bed waiting for the time, biting

your legs I'm moving up to your sky

you're screaming now! You're screaming now! We broke

the rules of reality and time, love

now take my hand and walk away from the line, I hate

the fools who always think they're right

let's kick some ass! Let's kick some ass! Let's say

goodbay and send them back to the past

there are many places they call a paradise, I said:

"Shove it up your face"

and got beaten by those guys, but if I was religious,

then you would be my god,

'cause my heart just don't beat right when you're not


I've been to all parties, but wasn't too impressed, I

was reading poetry and listenning to jazz

I have stolen all the stars from the sky above your


but can't conquer your heart, I call this a moon chase

walking down the station the night you took the train

I met a boy who had no eyes and he made me realize that

he lost his sight, but it's me who was blind

my heart just don't beat right when you're not around