Mr. Hate

I must admit, I was a bit confused

I saw my picture in the mornin' news

You say my sister's dead; my mom is, too

You said I killed 'em, but it's just not true

Nothin's real; nothin's certain

But when I read your words, it just starts hurtin'

Everybody's tryin' to convict me

For taking benzedrine and LSD

But that's all ancient history

And it's just between God and me

I hate rock 'n' roll, don't smoke pot

Maybe a drunk, but a user I'm not

This is a warning from my own hands

Never corner a frightened man

I might kill somebody tryin' to escape

You better listen to Mr. Hate

I can't believe the things my school friends said

Sometimes I think I wish that they were dead

I get so mad that I just see red

Then something blows apart inside my head

It's all erroneous information

I've gotta make a little clarification

This is a warning from my own hands

Never corner a frightened man

I might kill somebody tryin' to escape

You better listen to Mr. Hate

I'm not gonna wash your dishes, anymore...

I'm not gonna fry your burgers

I don't need it

You never understood me, anyway

You'll never catch me...

I won't give up...

You'll NEVER take me alive!

This is a warning from my own hands

Never corner a frightened man

I might kill somebody tryin' to escape

You better listen to Mr. Hate

You better listen to Mr. Hate

You better listen to Mr. Hate

You better listen to Mr. Hate

You better listen to Mr. Hate