Tubes World Tour

The girls got embarrassed

When we did our act in Paris

Same way that they did in L.A.

And we really had a battle

When we did it in Seattle

Vancouver on the very next day

San Diego kept us busy

We got so dizzy

With the interviews and radio shows

The fans were no turkeys

When the Tubes played Albuquerque

They stood up and shout and let us know

Bonjour, bonjour

The Tubes World Tour

A mighty important crusade

Tres chouette mi amore

The Tubes World Tour

We'll be leavin' as soon as we're paid

The threw us in the slammer

When we did it in Miamer

Mondo Bondage blew their mind

The kids were screamin' for more in Baltimore

Thought they would never unwind

They rushed Dr. Fee

In Washington D.C.

A.M.A. didn't go for the chainsaw

Played Town Without Pity

Just for New York City

And Quay knocked 'em dead with his big guitar

Buongiorno ate

The Tubes World Touree

A mighty important crusade

Tres chouette mi amore

The Tubes World Tour

We'll be leavin' as soon as we're paid

Oh ho ho ho, thank heaven for little girls

A mighty important crusade

Tres chouette mi amore

The Tubes World Tour

We'll be leavin' as soon as we're paid

All over the world

On the Tubes World Tour

All over the world

On the Tubes World Tour

Everywhere I go

On the T-T-T-Tubes World Tour

All over the world

Bonjour bonjour

On the Tubes World T-T-T-Tour

All over the world