Who Names The Hurricanes

All along the lighthouse reef

the turmoil sweeps in the soil and weeps its beef

with a lack of warning--Hey you

Can't you read the signs

Cartwheeling reams of trees

They sound their dreams as they whistle by

This weather uncaged--destroy

Mother of Troy an ancient god

descends upon the land

and backhands the once serene

Sound their dreams as they whistle by

She's all the rage

Who names the hurricanes

Who mops up the sea and rings out

the devil in a torn dress

What will they name her

What will she call him

Whirlwind of a woman--this defiant one

who knows no sympathy for the weak

She turns her other cheek

To my feeble plea

and my destiny

She's all the rage

Who names the hurricanes

Call it Catherine

Dash with a flash in the pan

Or Constance

with hell bent fury on man

Try David

He's a classic machismo

Gail suits a catastrophic swipe of a steel brush


She writes history and leaves no mystery

As the wane moon unfolds and spills the hearts of a

thousand beaus on ones who came before

Who comes from a dead hot fog

straight outta Hermuda

Like a colossal electric shaver

clipping a billion trees

transporting exotic birds to unfamiliar surrounds

You resign to read the signs

Up go the dread red flags

Who's to blame

What's in a name

She's all the rage

Who names the hurricanes

What's in a name and who's to blame

You can't resist these winds of fame

Dub it Diana--eye at the quiet core and more

Jeannie--a soft warm breeze 'til she sneeze

Unearthing Eva--you musta believa

Hunkraven Hannah--has spumed yo face

Alexandria--black browed savage grace

Shirley burley bannana fanna fo fury

Roxanne--the gusty tramp turns the sun into a sickly orb

I'm amped!

Madeline's the name they call the torrents of rain

that maul my brain--she's insane!

Cyclone Gladys--the goddess oh so maddess

Typhoon June's the tag they put on a force

such as this

Who would name a storm Bruce

Only one whose ass is lose

Calling Camille--her howling hazards of late ravage

the ground like an atom bomb

Hugo--you go boy!

Hurricane Roy-oy oy!

Big Bertha--have mertha