Lyrics The Vision Bleak

The Vision Bleak

Dreams In The Witch-House

[Scene III]

Despite all warnings the first night in the supposedly cursed house is at hand.

So, these are the walls

Wherein hides my doom

And night, when it falls

Brings ghoul-ridden gloom

Rest shall I find in here

'till death doth his deed

Away with these tales of aghast!

That bereaveth my sleep.

Now wine and dim light bring slumber to me!

A new morning shall prove them all wrong,

Them olde creeps and their

Dull fairytale fantasy.

The haunt is on...

"And to thee night appears

Sans the quiet of her spheres.."

No longer can I bare

The pesterings of light

Safe the sacred fires

That moon and stars ignite.

Good is evil, wrong is right

And thy horrors my delight!

The haunt is on...

No rest will I find

As long as a dream

Within my wretched mind

Brings darkness to sheen.

For sorrow and woe

Seem my destiny

No thought of dispersion,

Nor gleams of the hope

Of the hopeless

Have found into me!