Lyrics The Waterboys

The Waterboys

Beautiful Now

I saw a picture of you today

taken years before I found you

you wore a tangerine beret

the lights of angels played around you

hair tumbling long like waves

and breaking on your brow

you were beautiful then, sweet angel

you’re way more beautiful now

Your kiss was like the morning dew

your lips were soft and wet

a fateful breeze was blowing through

the desert when we met

danger closed around us

we made it through somehow

you were beautiful then, sweet angel

you’re way more beautiful now

Look down the carousel of years

and darling there you are

a dancer crying salty tears

a vagabond, a star

the slayer of mediocrity

of every sacred cow

you were beautiful then, sweet angel

you’re way more beautiful now

By water’s edge a spirit dances just beyond my reach

from beach to promenade and back from promenade to beach

a ghost of golden hair, a ghost of silver jeans

the slender fleeting phantom, of you at seventeen

From deep of sleep I wake at dawn

but as I wake I find

a distant wave still breaking on

the west coast of my mind

time casts its grand illusion

such glimpses we’re allowed

you were beautiful then, sweet angel

you’re way more beautiful now

I’m gonna wrap my love around you