Lyrics The Waterboys

The Waterboys

The Man With the Wind at His Heels

There’s a day for the king in his counting house

There’s a day for the fool at the wheel

There’s a day for the ships to go slouching south

And a day for the man with the wind at his heels

A day for the man with the wind at his heels

There’s a day to ride thumb on a thunderhead

There’s a day to make fantasy real

There’s a day to deny and a day to decry

And a day for the man the wind at his heels

A day for the man with the wind at his heels

Sing one for the clown in his wintermind

Sing one for his loathsome ordeal

Sing one for the deed and the fate entwined

And sing one for the man with the wind at his heels

One for the man with the wind at his heels