Lyrics ThouShaltNot


Come A Time

When the sky turns black and the floodplains crack and

you cannot look away

Because on every side is the unstoppable tide in motion

from the very first day

Will you fall down with your knees to the ground in the

hopes that you will be spared

From whatever the wrath that may lie in the path of

those whose convictions dared?

And when you're called to serve, will you have the

nerve to do all that you know is wrong

Just to save your skin no matter which side wins, just

to know that you were there all along?

Is it better to reign in a world of pain than to serve

a cause divine?

We'll see who you are underneath darkened stars, there

will come a time

And where does evil lie, in the heart, in the eye, is

it a guest without a host?

And does your mind concede to what your body needs, to

what a silent hunger craves most?

And bending word to the limb, falling out, giving in,

will you see all that Earth would conceal

Below the melting land and underneath the desert sand?

Is the desperate voice inside you even real?

And is it true when you stare into the sun you can see

the insides of sight itself?

Is there a way to speak but not say so you'll know if

words come from you or something else?

What do you hold in your hand, what do you understand

to be only thine?

And are you ever free and can never be unclothed to the

wind, uncovered to the bone?

Will there come a time?

But who am I to ask you how your lips will move your


And who am I to know the way your fingers curl?

And who am I to wonder just what skin you've chosen

this day?

And who am I to stand behind you and to claim I see

your eyes?