All She Knows

All she knows

Is what she's told

Is fact & fantasy

Life in harminy

She stands alone

Shadow on the wall

Gently lit her silhoutte

Reflecting tall

She spins to look

On my command

The shutter clicks she blinks

And laughs offhand

I slow the pace

And pause to stop & think

Here is a moment

Where good fortune winks

Eyes that sparkle

And eyes that shine

Hazel eyes smile

As they peer into mine

Canvas blank

The slate is clean

With nothing in between us

Simple & untarnished

She is all she seems

All she knows

Will turn to gold

Colors spill in waves

Off the path she paves

She dreams a place

Chapters in a book

Stories long with heroes strong

How blue the sky would look

Then she stops to see

Who's listening

Seeds of consciousness

Come creeping in

All I know

Here is a moment

Where good fortune winks

Someday when she feels the comfort fade

Holding on to this humble place