
Trapped inside this dark & narrow mind

Fra from the outside

If I could stand beside myself

And see what you see

Left alone high upon a shelf

Dust collects on things discarded

I retreat while the world passes by

Scars to justify

Am I a fixture in time & place?

As our old promises fade

Like the paintings we see everyday

That hang in decay

So the familiar feeds neglect

Too plain to perceive

My finger points to my demise

But three point back at me to my surprise

All the same I'm a fixture in time & place

As our old promises fade

Like the paintings we see everyday

That hang in decay

So the familiar feeds neglect

Red & blue pale to black & white

Images live & speak a thousand words

In solitude clouds grace the tranquil sky

Sense the calm sighing in pain

I'm a fixture in time & place

As our old promises fade

Like the paintings we see everyday

That hang in decay

So the familiar feeds neglect

Simply too plain to perceive

Color drains from the scenery

When routine courts apathy