
Serve the need

Spin the fable

Disguise the deed

Weaving straw to braids of gold

Splash the whitewash on the screen

Sins of omission fashioned to mislead

Signals mix as hairs poise to split

Tiny loopholes confuse intent

The facts irrelevant

Excuses right the worng

Cast illusions

And our hazy recollections

Guard the way down

On the slippery slope

Most of the truth fails to show

The shifting blame

Rises up to stake it's claim

I wade with my back towards the waves

Shielding my eyes

The spindrift burns like the acid words

Numbing my mind to be justified


Can't fight the dumbing down

I sink to the peaceful deep underneath

Free from the plastic crown

Still spinning around

Dress up the orutine

Bells,whistles, & neon light

Sedate the will to fight

Distractions to amuse our attention

And our gray convictions

Fan the flames of discontent


I wade with my back towards the waves

Shielding my eyes

The spindrift burns like the acid words

Numbing my mind to the justified

As bitterness begins slowly creeping in

Push & pull us apart

Fingers cross

Death do us part

Simplicity holds no escape

Toss a coin in the air

Spin the plates

Ignorant to consequence

Pay the piper for the dance

I see ego thrust upon the throne

Held high to deify

I see how we choose to believe

Answers that deceive & ease the pain

Distant wisdom may prevail someday

Scrape the whitewash from the screen

Tiny loopholes irrelevant

Excuses meaningless

The neon is black

When our recollections

Prevent another lapse

On the slippery slope

I wade with my back towards the waves

Shielding my eyes

The spindrift burns like the acid words

Numbing my mind to the justified


Can't fight the dumbing down

I sink to the peaceful deep underneath

Free from the plastic crown

Spinning around

Sow the seeds

Fearless we replay

Themes from timeless ages past

Courting all seven sins

What was & will always be

Protected from ourselves

Spin back around once again