Lyrics Tilly and the Wall

Tilly and the Wall

I Always Knew

I've lived my life

Inside daydreams, lies

Imaginary friends

They always knew,

Knew one day I'd leave,

Leave for good

I'll give away this girl

Who tried to make you fall in love


I'll give her to,

To you

So keep her close,

Close to you

Said you won't forget about her

How she loved you so,

Long ago

Once upon a time

Now she has grown,

Grown up

And you can't take,

Take it back

A lie, a lie will change my life

And won't ever go back to that

I will stay to,

to this belief

That we changed for the best through this

Separate the ones who know you

From the whole couldn't ever see

You for all that you are

And deep down I always knew

And the times I've thought that I've loved you

It wasn't just an easy answer,

It was make believe

But I still believe

That this heart,

Heart will learn to love.