Lyrics Tilly and the Wall

Tilly and the Wall

Shake It Out

The sun has passed from overhead

Let the night come in, let the night walk through your door

For every sleep spent in our beds

We will push our feet so hard the room will tear

In a carnival of smiles our faces glow

Oh the dark can make us feel so bold

There's no cold can make us want to stay at home

Every doubt in turn explodes

We all could pass right through

We all have nothing left to lose

It's not the fire, nor the warm drink that heats my hearts

And lifts my heavy legs

Your strong hand has kept me here

No I will not go, no I will not say goodnight

I was told this town's so small it would not grow

I was told that here I would feel alone

There's no cold no snow can make us lose our souls

The light we shine at once we follow

We all could pass right through

We all have nothing left to lose

You know that this night's true, oh no there's nothing left to lose

We're all alive as we tumble over hours

You pull my hand in closer our faces blur

There's nothing we have left we cannot share

So come on baby let's dance

Get your body in motion

I don't want this to end

I don't want to climb those stairs and go to bed

Oh won't you please just try to dance with me tonight

Slide your left foot in, kick your right foot out

Swing your hip to the left, swing it all the way around

Bob your head back and forth, side to side, left then right

Shake it out