Lyrics Tilly and the Wall

Tilly and the Wall


A chorus of car alarms, shoes on the powerlines

Young kids stealing cars and having switchblade fights

Two little kids out selling lemonade in the sun

If you want them raised right you I guess you start them young

A homeless woman walking around in the snow

Tired father at the bus stop hey bus driver take him home

Boy down at the corner store copping some smokes

In a sea of perfect stripes it's hard to stay afloat

Well the urgency

Oh man I feel it in the streets

All the people they're rhyming

They're stomping their feet

Got the shake of the grass roots beat

There's a preacher down on 24th and farnam street

Where the shattered glass is lying always glittering

And a prostitute with money spilling out her hands

Both screaming about some high tide rising

A protester's sandwich board in the park

Said you know the world is big and got a loose heart

You've only got what you've just polished clean

So you either start screaming or start singing