Dirty Kitchen Eternity

The harder I struggle, the tighter you grip, but don't need to tell you, =

that's the way I want it, I'm easy to follow, you're easy to spot, I bet =

I can shake you off, but I gotta want it. What good are the times that I =

catch you alone? It took eternity and I forgot what I wanted, what good =

are the times that I take you to task? You get me distracted and I =

forget that I'm mad. I'm up on the counter, you're down on the floor, =

the kitchen is dirty, pots and pans are flying, no food in the cupboard, =

a knock on the door, let's give it a rest now, buy a beer at the corner =

store. I'm going to bed now dear but you still want more, and every =

single word you say I've heard before, oh, you're an angel when you're =

in recline, and like an anxious fist my lullabye works fine. Lullabye =

and goodnight, ain't that a great song? You're an angel in recline, =

please go to bed dear, please go to bed dear, please.

Submitted by: Mel