Dog Collar

With her hair chopped off all different lengths

And her Rhinestone studded collar

She's acting a little mean right now

She just quit smoking non-filters

She's had it! She's had it!

Maybe she'll go to Chico State

Maybe she'll go to Laney

Maybe she'll go to UC - No!

What is she gonna do,

what is she gonna do with her life?

Her stingray bike is covered with all kinds of weird-

ass stickers

She don't care about losing weight to look like no


She's had it! She's had it!

Maybe she'll start a life of crime

Maybe she'll go to Europe

Maybe she'll start a punk band - Why?!

What is she gonna do,

what is she gonna do with her life?

Maybe she'll be a journalist

Maybe she'll be a junkie

Maybe she'll make the best-dressed list

What is she gonna do,

What is she gonna do,

What are you gonna do with your life?