Poor Infant

I refuse, refuse to weaken my will, adhered here to glue to these =

neglected sheets, stranded on, abandoned on my own two feet, tenants of =

occupants of indifferent streets. Oh poor infant, you only took an =

instant, but now you're soaking in it, you're in for quite a ride, my =

poor little flopping on the griddle, still bloody in the middle. =

Conjuring, coaxing out my bravest face, suffer through, carreen through =

rooms of tired eyes, whining high, like an engine fed on spite, too much =

to take, too much luck, I dump the clutch every time. Through the womb, =

into this mess with me, it was no accident I had to have some company, =

through the membrane out you came, reluctantly sure, I bore you =

selflessly, but I had to have some company, company, company, company.

Submitted by: Mel