Viewers Like You

I thought I heard you screaming.

I thought I heard you crying.

But then the TV told me, yeah,

That you were only lying,

That you were only crying wolf,

That you were only j-j-jiving.

Then I changed the channel.

You bored me with your whining.

Oh, I've seen everything. Everything!

Every possible scenario.

I'm filled with such ennui,

I could sleep for a week.

Why am I not surprised at man's inhumanity to man?

I need more exciting viewing: simple supply and demand.

Give me something new! You're losing my consumer


And while you're at it, throw in some sex, (Sex! Sex!


Some good old-fashioned, gratuitous sex.

I thought I heard you bleeding.

I thought I heard you dying.

But then the TV told me, yeah,

Help would be arriving.

And then I heard a bomb explode!

I saw the fighters d-d-dive,

And then I changed the channel,

to go turn on more whining.

Oh, I've seen everything. Everything!

Every possible scenario.

I'm filled with such ennui,

I could sleep for a week.

Why am I not surprised at man's inhumanity to man?

I need more exciting viewing: simple supply and demand.

Give me something new! You're losing my consumer


And while you're at it, throw in some sex, (Sex! Sex!


Some good old-fashioned, gratuitous sex.

Why am I not surprised at man's inhumanity to man?

I need more exciting viewing: simple supply and demand.

Give me something new! You're losing my consumer


And while you're at it, throw in some sex, (Sex! Sex!


Some good old-fashioned, gratuitous sex.