Lyrics Tim McMorris

Tim McMorris

Hurting Land

Hey, tell me what’s goin’ on

Another live’s been taken, another family’s shaken

We’re out of control, seems like nobody cares

Until you lost one of yours, or they lose one of theirs

Our family and friends, they’re all leaving so fast

As they pay with their lives full of mistakes, of the


The hatred, the murder, the killing, so violent

Continues to increase as good men stay silent

Kids can’t go to school without fear that someone,

May be out of control; come to class with a gun

We have let this go too far

Now it’s time to take a stand

We must help each other out

Learn to help our fellow man

There are people that we know

That we know need a helping hand

It is time to do our part

To help heal our hurting land

So here we now stand, our people are torn

As fatherless children do constantly mourn

The role model figure, that they never had

How things would be different if they had a dad

Our bloodthirsty culture, it fuels the fire

As mass killing death tolls climb higher and higher

How long till we wake up? Take back what we’ve lost

The price of inaction has too great a cost

There’s so many ways now that things can go wrong

And so many people feel they don’t belong

Our hearts have grown cold, and we curse above

Yet it’s us that’s lacking ‘cause we lost our love

Our love for each other, now sits on the shelf

As most of us really only love ourselves

If all of us are honest, we know we could do more

To solve the problems that most of us ignore

We have let this go too far

Now it’s time to take a stand

We must help each other out

Learn to help our fellow man

There are people that we know

That we know need a helping hand

It is time to do our part

To help heal our hurting land

It’s a hurting land, it’s a hurting land

We’re a hurting land, we’re a hurting land

That needs to change, that needs to change

We have let this go too far

Now it’s time to take a stand

We must help each other out

Learn to help our fellow man

There are people that we know

That we know need a helping hand

It is time to do our part

To help heal our hurting land