Lyrics Timber Timbre

Timber Timbre


Timing's off and everything's lost and I know it

Elixirs wear off and each dose the cost of a memory

One can't be all things to someone and likewise a friend

Cut your losses and go, it's only another beginning

A guilt-gifted chance, the privilege of you

Desire deserving of something more true

A quick bald and old I aged into

And what will I do, overdo, and undo?

The hopes, the remote chance of your flesh and laughter

And nothing much else occurs to me before or after

Perversion of plans, a gutter lies so long and friendless

I shed the clutter and go, beginnings of ends feels endless

A guilt-gifted chance, the privilege of you

Desire deserving of something more true

A quick bald and old I aged into

And what will I do, overdo, and undo?