Lyrics Tina Charles

Tina Charles


When my daddy came home

With a bundle under his cloth

And when he opened it up

I felt a lump down in my throat

It was a little puppy from shivering in the snow

I said daddy, daddy

Please call the puppy Joe

Daddy daddy, please call the puppy Joe

I’ll do anything, but please don’t make him go

Daddy, daddy please I love him so

Because he’s not very big

And it’s so cold out in the snow

After a year or so

There was a dog show in town

Well, I gave Joe a wash

Put on a fancy collar I had found

And when the dog down the road won first price

I didn’t care

To me Joe was the champ

There wasn’t any other dog there

Years rolled on

Then dad said, I know it’s a pity

But I got a new job

And you can’t keep a dog in the city

I said, daddy , daddy, I got to take Joe

There was a tear in his eye as he said no

Daddy, daddy, please, I’ve got to take Joe

I’ll do anything please don’t make him go

Daddy, daddy, please, I love him so

Because he’s not very big

And it’s so cold out in the snow

Well, we found Joe a home

But I knew he wouldn’t settle down

And it wouldn’t be long

Before Joe was heading to town

But Joe was so old

And the city was such a long way

I guess he stopped for a rest

And he is still resting today