If I'd Sinned

If I'd had what you have

Had been bad like you have

Heaven help me

If I'd lied like you lie

Had the guts to deny

Heaven help me

If I'd lost my head

Like you keep losing your head

Heaven help me

If I'd done what you've done

Pushed erase and moved on

Heaven help me out

If I'd done what you've done

You would turn away

If I'd sinned like you've sinned

You would choke with dismay

And you would wash your hands in the disdain that feeds

on your guilt

You would not find

Silence leaves you blind

I don't bite like you bite

Heaven see me

I try hard to be real

I don't hide what I feel

Heaven see me

I can't tell when you fake

It don't show when you break

Heaven see me

I don't run from what I do

I can't run as fast as you

Heaven see me through

No you don't have to tell

There's no need for us to dwell

I know that it makes no difference at all

The problem that we face is that you cannot embrace

That it goes both ways

If I'd run like you

If I'd lied like you

You would wash your hands

Silence is a choice

It doesn't buy you risk free neutrality

Doesn't buy you off

It's a statement and I never fail to catch your point

No I never fail to catch your point