Lyrics Tindersticks


All the Love

All the love

All the love inside me

Is on its way

Is on its way to find you

Don't try to hide

From my love for you

All the love

All the love inside me

Is on its way

Is on its way to find you

Like the tide

I will always return to you

And all the love

All the love inside you

Waits for me

In the dunes in the tall grass

You sit and smile

You are the only one

That could ever tease me

All the love

All the love inside you

Feels my steps

Getting closer to you

Down on the shore

You sing your love

To the stars

They're the guiding me back to you

All the love

All the love inside me

Feels your breath

Upon my back

And hears your song

That calls me home

If I could tell you

Of some of all the things I've seen

Of all the love

All the love inside them

Got locked away

For its own protection

For so long

It became just a memory

And all the love

All the love inside them

Twisted into hate

They have no choice

But so pass on their fear

Pass on their pain

They pour it down

Into the child

Into the man

Into the world

That grew to love

The gun that's in his hand

And all the love

All the love inside me

Felt like a drop

In a dirty ocean

I looked at the stars

Looked at my hands

And my fingertips

Trembled at the thought of touching you.