Lyrics Tindersticks


Hey Lucinda

Hey Lucinda, come out drinking with me tonight

The summer is almost gone

Hey Lucinda, time is running out

Hey Lucinda, our time is running out

I`m getting tired of those guys, tonight I'm gonna stay home (home)

I’m tired of hanging out, maybe I’ll just stay home tonight

When will you let(?) Lucinda

That feeling… is a creepy (creeping ???) one

So Hey Lucinda,… (you ??) come out drinking with me tonight

The summer is almost gone…

And soon…

The path that leads to your house will be a treacherous, with the frost …

And (down?) we get lost in this cold, alone at night

I could drink all that this body could hold but (fought?) the fear I might fall over

And break these brittle bones

And these dirty little cigaretters we smoke

And the liquor it just throws a cloak over the feelings we should show

Hey Lucinda

I may be waiting for you

The time is running out

Hey Lucinda

I may be waiting for you

Our time … is running out

Hey Lucinda, you come out drinkin` with me tonight

Ye, we could fetch ?? and dance

I only dance to remember how dancing used to feel

And I wake up every morning to find you waiting for me

Time is wasting Lucinda

These college guys, they'll be ???

Sitting in our favorite spot

But they drink to the future, not to forget the past

Hey Lucinda, (I may be waiting for you)

The time is running out… (I may be waiting for you)

But hey Lucinda

Our time…

Is running out