Lyrics Tiny Moving Parts

Tiny Moving Parts


The caution tape that you've wrapped around my brain

Has continued to stay as I'm waiting for a break

Constantly connecting dots

Trying my best, consuming facts

All I've learned is what's done is done

And you can not change the past

Helping or hurting? I am numb

I haven't felt anything in days

Confusion is key as I am locked inside

Or am I just really gone?

The caution tape wrapped around my brain

Has continued to stay

A constant strain right behind my face

I'm still waiting for a slight break

For a slight break

And I know we're just different

I know we're just different

Keep drinking from the same cup

It'll fill you up. It'll keep you numb

Simplify the motions. Counteract the movements

Don't think twice because this is love

This is love

This is love

The caution tape wrapped around my brain

Has continued to stay

A constant strain right behind my face

I'm still waiting for a slight break

You are caffeine in my bloodstream

You are the energy hidden in between two muscles sleeping

Please don't wake me up

I miss myself too much

I miss myself too much

I miss myself too much

So please don't wake me up

Don't wake me up

Cause all I have is patience

We all lose strength someday

I've been waiting for a slight break