Lyrics Tiny Moving Parts

Tiny Moving Parts


It was a malfunction

Nothing short of a disconnection

I got dizzy right before the rapid detachments

I refuse to accept what's really going on

Just once you think that it's all right

It's all wrong

It was a malfunction

It was a malfunction

It was a malfunction

It was hard to grasp it

The truth of you leaving me behind

You never said goodbye

Resurrect my aching cells

Let's restart my aging health

Breathe in, blow out

Simply repeat these steps

Breathe in, blow out

Simply repeat these steps

"Keep me close"

"Keep me close"

That's what you said

But you moved on

It was a malfunction

The truth of you leaving me behind

You never said goodbye

It was a malfunction

It was hard to grasp it

The truth of you leaving me behind

You never said goodbye

Resurrect my aching cells

Let's restart my aging health

Soon the frost will fill my head

No melting or thawing

Constantly just thickens

It's a message, you went ahead and

I guess I lost my spine

I guess I fell behind

The cold is not my friend

It's a message

It's a message

The frost will fill my head

It's a message

It's a message

It's a message

It's a message

It is a message