The Beginning Of The End

There's not a closing bell

There's just an awkward glance

The lightning's a fairy tale

It's really a quiet dance

And we cut the tethered earth

And float in the empty sky

And dance till the daylight hurts

And there's nothing left but goodbye

This is the coming of a new kind of love

That breaks your heart for good

It's the beginning of the end of your life

But you would never know

You are the answer to a question I asked

In another life

If it's the coming of a new kind of love

Why am I terrified?

Without you I'm just a man

No longer an ancient god

A statue that's turned to sand

A stick not a lightning rod

Still you just ache in me

A fever that will not leave

The sap of a dying tree

The blade that I can't retrieve

This is the coming of a new kind of love

That breaks your heart for good

It's the beginning of the end of your life

But you would never know

You are the answer to a question I asked

In another life

If it's the coming of a new kind of love

Why am I terrified?