Lyrics Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus

Upon Viewing Oregon's Landscape With The Flood Of Detritus

I saw somebody die out upon the road today

I felt lives dissolve on sidestreets as that head hit the highway

I see first responders rush in as a white plume dissipates

Trying to pull their will to power from the flames

Now there's miles of angry motorists stretched as far as eyes can see

There are a billion breathing beings each with schedules to keep

They get a long look at the tow truck as they sit and grit their teeth

Hating that which comes between them and their coffee

I'm on that ribbon highway and I've seen some sickening things

One good kid smashed to splinters, another wicked one crowned king

And upon the pavement, for each and every particle of glass

There are a thousand dreams never to come to pass

Cause dreams can't be, nor people, indeed, built to last

Built to last, built to last, built to last, built to last...

I've adored every inch of this country through the same dirty windshield

Peeking through blotches of the blood of bugs towards the Elysian Fields

Behold my brother's beautiful babies! It's obvious to see

The world's been making plans to go on without me

I gave my youth to yelling at rivers that refused to flood with angry tears

Now abundant beers await to erase redundant years

So there's nothing for me to do now but turn the radio up loud

Put Eric's sunglasses back on and black it out

Now I'm writing manifestos on old B.O.A. receipts

I know it only is alfresco when I take meals in the streets

There was promise in these pages once, now they rot under the rain

Of their wisdom, all that now remains are stains

Cause, just like me, they were made to be thrown away

Thrown away, thrown away, thrown away, thrown away, thrown away...