Epic Castles

Beautiful Mike sits up in his bed

Rubs his tired eyes, a dream lingers in his head

His belly rumbles, needing to be fed

He considers the door, takes the window instead

He's living in an Epic Castle

His city is an Epic Castle

Sweet Young Sarah with the velvet hair

Wakes up in a bathtub with a hollow stare

Nobody knows she always sleeps here

She needs her fix and her mission is clear

She's living in an Epic Castle

Her city is an Epic Castle

In a cheap hotel room down on the south side

Good Brother Ethan sets his bible down for the night

He's tired of the hunting, tired of the fight

But he's a man of honor, and he must do what's right

He's living in an Epic Castle

His city is an Epic Castle

We're all living in an Epic Castle

Our city has become an Epic Castle